Sunday, September 20, 2009

durians galore!

Yesterday and today at work we started getting durians on our load to sell at Coles. So of course, any kind of new fruit we get we do a special "taste test." So then we are able to tell the customer what the fruit tastes like if they ever asks us. But it wasn't so much of a taste test for me since I have durians all the time when they are in season. But my workmates were like "what is that?", "WTFF??", "omg that looks awesome!", "ewww..." and ect.

I love durians! Its so yummy! But I couldnt say the same for my workmates. They hated the smell of it when I cut it open. They say it smells disgusting and say it smells as bad as garlic. Well, I say the smell of it is indescribable. My workmates all had a little bit of durian. Like only a little bit. They hated it. So? I finished the whole thing off myself. I didn't want the durian to go to waste so I ate the whole bloody thing! Whoo... it was so delicious. I can eat another one now!