Sunday, August 30, 2009

two posts today

i dunno, but today I feel like posting two times. sorry~

but on the topic of "usefulness..." have you ever been used by a friend, but then you weren't really treated as a friend at all by that person? Like, someone who you think is your friend and this friend tells you to do things only benefiting him/herself but it has no good for you?

I would hate to have friends like that, let alone 'a' friend. Who would want friends like that? Prob unless you have no friends? lol? I once had a friend like that. i treated this person as a good friend, and I always thought this person was my friend. but how was I treated lah?... i'll stop it right there. Getting a bit personal now~

I'm getting to too much of my feminine side as lina would put it. lol.